Cup of tea anyone?

Firstly I would like to apologize for my tardiness. Things are just a little chaotic at the moment. I try to pop in to your blogs because I don’t want to miss out altogether. You are all doing such creative work, congratulations.

Tea time: I have gathered all sorts of things for my next session with my lovely people at the Nursing Home. It is coming up next Thursday. I like to do as much research as I can so I have an abundance of material…just in case.

I took time off from other things to (a) do something creative and (b) to add to my material for the ‘morning tea’.

Excuse the terrible circles but I was a little pushed for time but they turned out well I feel. I did get the pattern from that delicious book “Everything Alice”. In the book they put a little label hanging from the handle with the invitation to a tea party on it. I haven’t done that as I intend to give one each to my  ladies and gentlemen to have in their rooms and it might help them remember our time together (most of my nursing home residents are high care), suffering with dementia etc.

Over the years I have made handmade books and written pieces on ‘tea’ and tea cups etc.

This piece was prompted by a visit to Disneyland.


Tea was part of it

Disneyland started it

In one I sat

Round and round I spun

Colours, patterns, light – and fun.

cup-shape is just right

For so many things.

Some have brightly coloured rings.

Some made for food

Depends on the mood.

A little blue bell

Will grow safe and sound

Much, much better than

In the ground.

And for goodness sake

If the handle should break

Don’t throw a wally,

Now it’s a poly…

Don’t know what a Poly was used in?

It used to live in the flour-bin.

But what about one

With a slender body

Filled to the brim

With a delicious hot toddy?

What is this Poem all about?

No – not the teapot with its spout.

It’s what we use to sit and sup

Our beautiful, delicate, wonderful


This next piece I wrote whilst having tea..sorry, in my case coffee in a food court:

A cup of tea and a slice of life

People in wheelchairs

Old – or – disabled

Men behind counters in striped aprons

Tea and cake on special

Cleaning lady busy at work wiping down tables

Her trolley laden with brushes, brooms, and rubbish bags.

Chairs scraping, shifting –

Lovers sitting, chatting quietly

Others-just pondering

Some look happy…others, sad.

People in coats – it’s cold today

People in suits – computer busy

Children – dancing, laughing

Asking questions, questions.

Mothers – tired – strained – trying to answer

Mothers – feeding babies to the breast so warm

Elderly – together always – sharing life

But for some – sitting alone

With silent thoughts.

The single bond for all is their cup of tea.


Our kettle boils and signals it’s time for tea

Fine china cups filled with brew

Maybe lemon and sugar or sweet cream too

But best of all

There is friendship between you and me

As we lovingly share our morning tea


Till the next time, happy creating one and all…



Busy, busy, busy

Where has the time gone? Where does each day disappear to? At the moment it is like a huge vacuum cleaner close to my world and it is sucking up the time before I have a chance to do all the things I want and need to do.

I am not complaining, my life is rich and interesting but just sometimes so very busy. I am beginning to pack up my little house slowly. It is school holidays here and I had my grandson for a few days. We had a brilliant time together. We visited our Shrine of Remembrance where he learnt many things about what the soldiers wore in both WWI and WW2. We put on white gloves and were able to examine binoculars and compass from 1917. My grandson is half Greek and they told him stories of the Australian going to Greece to help and showed photos etc.  On another day we took a ride in a beautiful white carriage pulled by two white horses with bright red feather plumes around our City. Then another day we went to a children’s farm where he got to milk a cow, cuddle a guinea pig, feed horses and goats. In between all that we non-stop talk about all manner of things…a total delightful time…so…I thought what about ‘My Mother’s Ways’ about children.

Yes, the last one is me and … gulp … I just about fit into ‘My Mother’s Ways’ style.

Quotes from ‘My Mother’s Ways:

When ice first came to our district, a boy of eleven or twelve had never seen it before and was so fascinated by it he took a piece and hid it for later. When he returned to get it and couldn’t find it, he thought someone had stolen it from him!


If your child has long straight hair and you put it in rags every night to encourage curling, dip your fingers into warm water in which a little gelatine has been dissolved as you put in each rag. Next morning the hair will curl beautifully for you.


If men’s woollen scarves are no longer used, they can be made into skirts for small children two to three years old. The width of the scarf becomes the length; attach it to a bodice. If enough is left, make a little jerkin to match and decorate with braiding to suit.


For filling the bodies, limbs, etc; of home-made soft toys, use ‘wood waste’ – the fine string-like slivers used for packing crockery and the like, usually given away freely by most tradesmen. Toys firmly stuffed with this never get floppy or out of shape.


The carry-basket before they were invented:

You may travel in comfort with baby in spite of railways restrictions on prams. Into a long, shallow, long-handled flower-basket, place a soft fluffy blanket and a baby pillow, and travel aboard the train in comfort. Mother carries the basket through her arm or at full-arm swing. In a bus or tram you can set the basket beside you on the seat and you are both free to enjoy the outing.

“Pretty much all the honest truth-telling there is in the world is done by children.”
 Oliver Wendell Holmes quotes (American physician, poet, writer, humorist and professor at Harvard, 1809-1894)

Thank you for visiting…




Sniff!.   I just love this blog.  J.A Robinson has a humour that resonates with me. He is a photographer who sees the world of his subjects. His quote about his blog is:

Where plants, animals, and object do the talking

Go take a roam over at ‘The Daily graff’, you will not be disappointed. ‘Sniff’ is just his latest piece.

I have been so busy but when I have finished checking out everyone I will endeavour to post something myself.

Happiness to everyone ….

Gifts and Books

Another wonderful day in 2012. I met one of my niece’s today for coffee and chat. It was just lovely. The weather has cooled but we still had the sunshine. It was non stop talk, laughing and sharing. She gave me a ‘bag of gifts’. Each and everyone is a treasure. Let me share them with you. As you can see I like ‘owls’ and books and of course bookmarks go with them. I am soooo lucky…


My dear friend Nia send me a parcel before Christmas (I posted the gifts in an earlier post). Among her gifts was this book:

The beginning and its beautiful page marker

I am not very good at giving reviews as such but I want to talk about this book in my way. For a start, there are some books that I will press down the spine to make it stay open (certainly without damaging it). There are some books I will allow to rattle around in my large bag. There are some books I will turn over pages with slightly sticky fingers…and so on. Then there are some books that come to me with elegance, a special quality…this is one of those books. The moment I touched it I knew it was special. Beautifully bound with the lovely page marker (I love books with ribbon page markers).  Good quality paper has been used. Double spacing and a nice easy font which allows the prose to flow.

Buket Uzuner (the author) writes using Istanbul in the first person (hence the title), which gives the story strength and depth. I am not sure what to call the style of writing I would say prose but it so poetic at the same time. Let me give you an example:

I am Istanbul; I am Constantinople; I am Dersaadet! For millennia I have been on the minds and lips of those who would claim me for their own. For me have emperors, kings and sultans vied; for me have pashas and soldiers shed sweat and blood: ah, those men of varied tongues, faiths and races, all of them a tremble at the prospect of storming my nuptial chamber and of possessing a city elusive and legend! I, enchantress and seductress, am Istanbul. (quote from the book).

By delivering the life of Istanbul through the eyes of Istanbul itself,  I felt I got to know the city intimately.

I found I held the book gently and turned the pages slowly, deliberately, respecting the city, the author, the book itself. It was a magic experience. Thank you my dear Nia

As long as there are beautiful well made books, they will never die. e-books are valuable for travelling and I would like one but I will never give up beautiful bound books.

and now another great book:

Watercolours – Author: Adrienne Ferreira (Australian)

As you can see on the cover it is ‘The story of a boy artist, a river town and its mysterious underworld’.

This book has 342 pages; being paperback it was easy to hold, the font is easy to read and the paper, whilst not of the highest quality, it was nice to feel.

Novi is 11years old and loves to draw. The author gives each character a strength of their own so that I was never confused about who was who, as you do in some novels, (by the way, this is the author’s first novel).

She allows Novi to be in the first person which is delightful. Each page has an ‘wow’ moment. Here is an excerpt:

(Novi is speaking): When I need to draw, it feels like something inside me is being squeezed, like when I walk through the paperbarks down to the swimming hole and the cicadas are all around me, their voices like a throbbing heart. My heart starts throbbing, too, as though there are cicadas inside me, bursting to escape and join the others in the trees. Then I draw a picture and they fly off. For a while the pressure goes away. But they always creep back when I am not looking. Before long their little drum bodies start to hum and I need to draw again.

The author carries this idea throughout the book, using it to describe Novi’s emotions toward his art. He visits Sydney for the first time, he has never been to a big city before. There are so many things to look at his ‘cicadas’ becomes silent and he worries.  What a beautiful way to describe the emotion when your muse leaves you.

This was a book that I couldn’t put down yet I didn’t want it to finish.

I hope you enjoyed snippets of these books. We are so lucky to lose ourselves in wonderful stories…I say thank you to those authors.


My name is Rosemary so I just had to post this next picture. Oh to look so refined. I wonder if I practice all the hints in this book would I turn into an elegant, refined woman…..NO, NO, NO. My creative brain just doesn’t allow me to be elegant, besides I wouldn’t survive in all those clothes of that era.

Maybe me in a past life?

I am having my grandson for the next three days (school holidays) so if I go missing it is because I am having fun and learning from an 8year old. He has just started ringing me and having a ‘general’ conversation. It is so lovely.

TIP: When your frying pan develops a small leak, cut off the portion opposite the handle, paint the pan with any paint desired and you have a neat and serviceable ‘dust-pan’ that will last for years.

May your creativity last for the next 100 years. Thank you for visiting…


Holiday time – My Mother’s Way’s

Here in Australia it is ‘holiday’ time. Our roads are quiet from traffic. Families are at the beach, camping or overseas enjoying other cultures. Yesterday it was 40c so some of us who are not away flooded to our larger shopping centres for a cool down or to the beach, swimming pools. As children in my day, before water restrictions, we would put on our swimmers/bathers and turn the sprinkler system on in our backyard and play for ages frolicking under the cool spray.


A necessity

The limited time available for recreation in this era was spent in a variety of ways, In town, tennis parties and cricket matches were becoming popular; in the country, the family picnic or bush trip was a popular source of pleasure. Great preparations were made for these outings; the hampers packed full of delicious, home-made provisions, the billy stowed carefully into a saddlebag or cart, suitable hats and boots donned, and the horses saddled.

Some lucky folk took holidays to the seaside or other parts of the country, and a few even packed their trunks for long sea voyages to other parts of the world. Most, however, contented themselves with outings closer to home, and derived their amusement from the local show, annual church picnic and municipal get-togethers. A gret deal of entertainment was had at home. Evenings around the piano, tea parties on the verandah or picnics in the far paddock or on the riverbank were convenient and inexpensive way of entertaining friends and neighbours. Even these events required considerable preparation, as the hints here illustrate, and reliable ways of lighting the campfire and cooking the butter were always sought by wives and mothers. Mothers and grandmothers were expert in planning and preparing for these family-centred forms of relaxation. These hints reveal that no detail was over-looked, and that their economical and practical ideas contributed greatly to the enjoyment of the whole family.

Carry a square of waterproof canvas or sailcloth in the car for laundry purposes when touring in the outback. Lay the spare tyre on the ground or on a rock, spread the canvas over, press it in and fill the depression with water. Safe, clean and easier to carry than a tub, large bucket or basin, and the wheel is always with you.

When out camping, put unpeeled bananas into the coals of your fire to taste the pleasure of real, natural food.

Make oilcloth or baize slips for your cushions before going on a holiday tour. You will not have to worry about the ground being damp, and a soapy cloth keeps them looking like new.

Keep moths from your bathers during the winter by placing the perfectly dry costume in a screw-top Mason jar –                                            (How interesting…or…bizarre)

**** This is a gem…is this before or after she has cooked the dinner and washed up etc.?

If you live in a lonely, isolated place with little opportunity for social evenings, dress up for your radio entertainment at home. A quick warm to cool shower, a liberal shake of your favourite talcum powder, clean undies and a nice frock, and instead of the family drudge, a dainty leisured lady is ready to enjoy the evening’s offering of music, comedy or drams. It may startle the family at first, but it acts as an example.


Instead of carrying toilet soap when travelling, pack a tube of shaving cream. No waste, no wet cake of soap and delightfully refreshing to use…This is interesting, I hate travelling with oogy, gooey soap.


Great idea…anyone still do this?

When going away for a holiday, put a little lavender oil on a few saucers and place them in some of the rooms. This will destroy any moths in the house and the usual musty smell or ‘shut-up’ atmosphere will be absent on your return.


Keep your butter cool for a picnic in this way. Soak a brick in cold water, wrap it in a wet cloth and place it in the shade. The evaporation of the water will keep the brick cold, and the butter placed upon it will be kept as cool and firm as though it were on ice.


One for us ladies:

Just before leaving by train or car for a long journey, wipe your face with a pad of cottonwool moistened with witch hazel to which has been added a few drops of eau de Cologne. Dry with another pad of cottonwool and then use the powder puff. This avoids using hard or lime-rich water that damages our fine complexions.


Squeaky things are such an annoyance, especially on holidays:

If, while travelling or away from home, you have a squeaky handle or rusty catch on your suitcase, rub a dab of face cream onto the offending item. I oiled the hinges on a cabin door aboard the Edinburgh Castle with face cream and enjoyed the journey between England and Africa much better for doing so!


Stocking, long dresses and hats in hot weather, on holidays…groan.

In hot weather, keep a piece of blotting paper cut to the shape of insoles inside each shoe to absorb perspiration of the feet. This saves the stockings from becoming hard and difficult to wash. Renew the paper often


A brick soaked in kerosene and packed in a leak-proof container will quickly start the campfire even if the wood is not quite dry.


If anyone decides to do this hint, I want a photo.

Avoid a sun-peeled nose at the beach. Cut or tear a piece of paper – newspaper will do – into the outline of a plump fig, fold down the centre lengthwise and tuck the tapered end under the bridge of your specs or sunglasses. This cowl fits snugly and protects the nose at all angles.

Happy holidays for those having a break and for those that are not I suggest you take the advice of this book and have a quick warm to cool shower, a liberal shake of your favourite talcum powder, clean undies and a nice frock/suit and be ready some home entertainment.

Hope you have enjoyed these snippets in holiday season. I cherish each and every one of them but at the same time I can’t help a giggle. If anyone would like to share their own stories of family holidays it would be great to hear them.

Every piece of the universe, even the tiniest little snow crystal, matters somehow. I have a place in the pattern, and so do you…Thinking of you this holiday season!
— T.A. Barron




Element doll

Here are my balls of wool (well…some of it) transformed into what I have called ‘Envo earth boy’

Envo Earth Boy

His dreadlocks or (rasta)

He is here by the skin of his teeth I tell you. Both wools are a nightmare to knit with. Green hairy just loved to tangle, multicolour just knotted without me touching it (I could feel the mischief as soon as I took the wrapper off). They did everything they could to make my life a misery. Who said I don’t swear? @#$%&^.

I was excited knitting him though because as usual, what was in my head had nothing to do with how he wanted to be so I just went with the flow (except for the swearing). To sew him up was just as bad, not being able to see the stitches through the fuzz and tangles, both wools did a good job of hiding the spaces I wanted to go through; but he is worth it.

Why Element doll? As soon as my daughter saw it she said, “Oh, he looks like one of the elements – he is earth.” Straight away I saw fire, water, and air. What a great idea, thank you my darling daughter. I wonder what will come from that…please, not more tangled wool…mmmm.

I am amazed that I am still knitting; it is usually only in the winter, but the bug has got me and unlike the ‘old days’ there is air-conditioning how so it is easier…no sweaty hands.

Outdoor knitting

More outdoor knitting - I will have to try it

Who did this as a child?

Knitting Nancy -This is one of my daughters and I still play with it

Hope you enjoyed some of the above photos…

“Heirloom” is knitting code for “This pattern is so difficult that you would consider death a relief. ~Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, At Knit’s End: 

Meditations for Women Who Knit Too Much . If you go to Amazon (again-but I love it as you can see snippets of books to help you decide on them). You can see a little of this book :

Happy knitting, happy doing, happy bubbling…happiness to all…





New Years Day

If my start to 2012 is anything to judge the rest of the year, then I am going to have the best time of my life.

Today in Melbourne the weather is going to be hot, hot, hot – around 35/38c. So, up early, coffee (of course) and water the garden. Good morning to them all. Tomatoes are huge but still green, azalea, resting with her deep green leaves thankful for being in the shade all day. Alyssum flowers drinking deeply knowing they will wilt under the hot sun. Maindenhair fern smiles from her deep shaded area and enjoys the gentle misting and deep watering.

Next, headphones on, new music (A Christmas present-I had the best fun choosing from i-tunes) and off I set for my walk. Sun shining on the gentle side at this stage, red roses nodding to me from between picket fence. White cockatoo, cheeky and brave, didn’t move when I walked passed him; his morsel in the lawn was more important. I whistled to him, he cocked his head, saw that I wasn’t a threat and went on fossicking. Music, sunshine, and nature made me step it out. One song had me doing a hop, kip and jump (the man behind me probably thought…silly old woman). Saw a friend in his garden, I stopped and wish him a Happy New Year then skipped home (well…almost). Here I am now, cyber visiting all my friends from near and far. Now that, is a brilliant start to the day and the new year. Couldn’t ask for anything more.

I don’t know which to start with. I am torn between my two delicious books at the moment. Everything Alice and a novel titled: Watercolours – Author: Adrienne Ferreira (an Australian author).  Adrienne was born in Sydney in 1975 and grew up in Sandy Beach on the mid north coast. She has written short stories and poetry. This book Watercolours is her first novel. Adrienne now lives on the NSW Central Coast with her husband and twin boys. I just have to tell you about this book, but first, I have to return to Alice as I spoke of her in my last blog. Here are some of the pictures from the book. I couldn’t stop photographing them. There are many more pages:

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I am sure you can see why I just had to have it. Beautifully presented, bright, colourful, and totally de-lic-ious! (I just realised I haven’t got the pics in order, but, that’s me, never quite in order…thank heavens)  Pop over and visit Pollyanna, a very interesting blog, so well written and interesting, a bit of everything and thought provoking as well. I love it.

Over at my other blog I will post the little orphans I found on my walk this morning.

Thanks for joining me here…