Brooklyn Art Library – Sketch Book Project

This page is a gallery of my entry for the sketchbook project. I took it up to keep me motivated needing to do something regularly. It is fantastic, the fun and creativity I have had from doing my sketchbook. You can choose a theme or allow them to choose for you. I chose ‘This is not a sketchbook’ as I felt this would allow me to be…yes…random, and random I was. Each page began without a preconceived idea. Over the years I have found if I don’t force myself for ideas but just relax, something always comes along. To see more sketchbooks and some of the other projects the library is running see Brooklyn Art Library website in my ‘links’.

13 thoughts on “Brooklyn Art Library – Sketch Book Project

  1. hey, i just joined this project, too. my book came a few days ago! my hteme is: “adhered to me”. i’m a collagist, so how perfect is THAT?? i have A LOT of work to do, to catch up with you……isn’t it exciting?? lovelovelove it. i like your new banner. i want to know how you like wordpress and it’s functions! i have to get to the studio now. 2 major events to clean up after in there. it’s frightening!! i look forward to continuing to read about you!

    • That is great, your will have such fun in that sketch book. Love the ‘adhered to me’ choice, not only is it just right for a collagist but it leaves it wide open for other fun interpretations. Hurry, hurry, I want to see some pages 🙂
      I mailed mine off today, waved goodbye to it as the girl in the Post Office walked it to its box marked ‘Overseas’.

      Hey, not only are you a collagist etc. but a really good photographer, that is a great shot of Fort Worden Beach. Sounds like you had a ball.
      Now we are even, your workshopping time with Tracy and Teesha Moore and others makes me awfully jealous. I just can’t seem to find any real enthusiastic groups in Melbourne so I tend to get a bit isolated in my style of working.
      Looking forward to seeing some more pics and info about it all.

      I do like WordPress. I am not very good at all this so I puddle around and tear my hair out sometimes but their instructions etc. are clearer to understand and I can find out how to do things quicker.

      Happy tidying

  2. Oh, dear Rose, how beaautiful all these sketch Books… I am so excited now, maybe I can try something like that, seems so enjoyable and great fun. How I loved your sketch books they are all great. But I should learn more about this, seems not easy. Thank you, thank you dear Rose, you always add/bring so beautiful things to my life. You are, yourself is a great treasury! Blessing and Happiness, with my love, nia

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