
A fun competition is the great art supply shop (Their site is under construction at the moment).

They hold a ‘palette’ competition. Cost is $20 for the wooden palette and the rest is up to you. What ever you wish. I sat with mine for days trying to think what I could do. It blew me away when I saw the other entries. People’s imagination is truly fantastic.

This was my entry for this years.

Koko Black have a ‘drawing’ competition every Easter. All ages, a children’s category was introduced last year. It is a lot of fun and if you win you get your art work on Easter boxes of their yummy yummy chocolates. Finalists are invited to the announcing of the winners and believe me nothing is spared. Chocolate heaven was served continually. This was my entry for last year. Have a look at their site under ‘Drawing Prize’, it shows last years finalists and winners.

I’m back

Had a nice trip to the country. Although I am a City girl through and through, a short time in the country is refreshing. Long early morning walks, kookaburras, parrots, horses trotting up to their fence hoping for a morsel from me…sorry no luck. I took some photos, mainly of the sky. Why is it that the sky is bluer, larger, and more stunning in the country.

Double Trouble

double trouble

This has got me intrigued. Yesterday I posted the pic of the apparently, misbehaving chair…now today, the ‘Out of order’ nut machine.

Are they in this together? Is the chair the ring leader? Or did the nut machine bully poor chair into doing something he may not have wanted to do? That never works in any life so if that was the case he obviously  got caught and now he himself has been deemed ‘Out of Order’.

I am going with that scenario for the moment.  I don’t think the truth would be anywhere as exciting as imagination?

I would love to hear alternatives to this ‘story prompt’.



What did you do chair?


Well, well, I was at my local shopping centre today and I was surprised to see this chair sitting in its usual spot at the bottom of the escalator looking totally forlorn. Why could it have been deemed ‘Out of Order’? Did it throw someone out? Do chairs speak? Maybe this one does and wasn’t very nice to the last person that chose to sit in it? Do chairs burp?..or worse? I looked around, no-one was watching, should I? would I? am I game enough?…no…not game enough to sit and see why this chair has been deemed ‘out of order’ but it stirred my imagination and I am sure there will be one of my very, very short stories coming from this obviously ill-behaved chair. What a lovely random moment.





Fascinating owls

The stories about owls fascinate many people, including me. They are linked to the Greek Goddess Athene and the Goddess Lilith. So much mystery, mythology and symbolism is written about them. They are fascinating birds to say the least.

Going on my first ‘bird watching‘ walk I was ecstatic to see my first tawny frog-mouth sitting in the wild. I was amazed I saw him, he was so camouflaged again the bark and leaves of the tree. We stared at each other for some time. I felt he was playing with me…”Yes, I can stare you down” and yes, he did.